The IAFCI Industry Working Group Committee Information & Guidelines

One may ask, why does the IAFCI sponsor Industry Working Group Committees that specialize in specific industry trends and current events? 

The answer: This is a member benefit that will enhance the resources that the members can use to heighten their fraud prevention and investigation work in a specific entity in the industry.  There has been an ongoing demand for more current and specialized information by the IAFCI members and non-members (potential members) in the various industries that financial fraud investigators cover.  Under the guidance of the Executive Board, the IAFCI is stepping up as a major resource for communication and education.

The current Industry Working Groups that the IAFCI Sponsors:

  • Auto Finance Coalition
  • Banking Fraud 
  • BSA/AML (Bank Security Act/Anti-Money Laundering)
  • Bust Outs
  • Cyber-Fraud
  • Financial Exploitation of the Vulnerable
  • Human Trafficking
  • Mortgage Fraud Task Force
  • Organized Retail Crimes (ORC)
  • Skimming and Payment Terminal Attack (SAPTA) 

Mobilize - IAFCI Industry Group Automated Email Alerts: An Industry Group Member Benefit
IAFCI has provided a new secure communications platform called Mobilize. This platform includes automated emails to alert group members when new content has been posted.  Members can quickly view or reply to the alerts and the discussion feeds if desired. Members can respond to the whole group or send a message individually as well as adding links, pictures, and files. Other features include event postings, polling, group member directory, and stored files. Members can also download the Mobilize app from your app store. These functions will vary depending on the group moderator, of each group.  All members will need to complete a registration form to join. 

To join an industry group, select the group you would like to join, (Members will need to log-in), look for the Mobilize Join Link. Note: To Join Skimming and Payment Terminal Attack  "SAPTA" send email to

How Industry Working Groups are created:

The IAFCI receives requests from members regarding specific industry needs and the IAFCI reaches out to provide a forum to provide the members with these resources.

Structure of the Industry Working Groups and Defining the Roles of Participants:

  • Industry Working Groups are considered a part of the IAFCI and must adhere to the Constitution and By Laws of the IAFCI and the Industry Working Group Committee Guidelines.
  • A written activity report must be submitted at each Annual Board Meeting (one scheduled January or February, April or May and August) each year to the International Secretary. This is required from each Industry Working Group. This report should include: Initial Vision Statement, submitted at the first Board Meeting; A list of annual Goals and Objectives, at the first Board Meeting; Calendar of Scheduled Meetings details at the first Board Meeting; Upcoming training events, at each meeting; the in-person training session for the Annual Training Conference, at the Second Board Meeting, Number of participants at each Group meeting, at the August Board Meeting; These reports will be included as part of the records of the IAFCI Board Meetings.
  • The initial Chairperson is typically the idea champion who proposed the Industry Working Group to the Executive board. The term of chairing an Industry Working Group Committee should be two years with an additional two years, maximum four years.
  • Development of a Vision Committee – Appointed by the Chair (s) or voted in by Committee members. These are typically the founding members who work very closely with the Chairperson to propose meetings, speakers, sponsor training material, and other events for the Group.

Developing the Industry Working Group Vision/Mission Statement – What do we want to accomplish in our Group?  The vision and mission statement sets the pace for the Group’s ideals and activities.  This statement enhances the Group’s cohesiveness and should be reviewed or revised at least annually.  For example the IAFCI’s Mission for the Mortgage Fraud Task Force is:

The IAFCI Mortgage Fraud Task Force (MFTF) Committee will provide an environment where information about Mortgage Fraud Prevention and Mortgage Fraud Investigation methods can be discussed, exchanged, and taught for the common good for all financial fraud mitigation practitioners.

The Chairperson needs to encourage and advise members that Industry Working Group activities are open to all members of the specific group and all members of the IAFCI; there is no fee to IAFCI members. If a person is not a member, then the Chairperson should encourage this person to join the IAFCI. All pertinent training material, white papers and meeting notices will be included on the IAFCI members’ website for the Industry Working Groups.

Defining the Roles:

Officer Titles

            The titles of the governing Board for Industry Working Groups are:

            ►Chairperson or (Co-Chairs)


  • No other titles, e.g. President, Sergeant-at-Arms, Treasurer are permitted in an IAFCI Industry Working Group.
  • No extra fees can be charged for a training session unless approved and sanctioned by the IAFCI International Office, located in El Dorado Hills, California.
  • If authorized fees are charged to members to recoup material or
  • Speaker fees, the management of these fees is conducted by the IAFCI International Office.


  • The Chairperson (Co-Chairs) has the authority to appoint advisors to assist with activities such as the coordination of training or monthly meetings

The Chairperson (Co-Chairs) pilots the committee model based on the Industry Working Group Committee Guidelines in conjunction with the IAFCI Constitution and By-Laws. Establishes a Vice-Chairperson to organize and assist with meetings and training sessions.  Defines what types of information will be revealed and discussed. 

Please note: The Industry Working Groups must not discuss specific names of subjects/suspects/etc. that are not public record, but may identify the granular detail of the fraud schemes.

  • Develop a Vision Committee made-up of the following Members: Chair, Vice Chair, and Advisors.

  • Develop a Vision Mission Statement that compliments the Mission Statement of the IAFCI.   
  • The Chairperson will coordinate and delegate the Industry Working Group’s programs and information distribution. 
  • A break-out training session at the upcoming IAFCI Annual Training Conference is recommended.  This will be a meeting to discuss the purpose of the Committee as well as to provide training to other members who are interested in the subject topics and joining an Industry Working Group.
  • Vice-Chair – Acts on behalf of the Chairperson when he/she is unavailable.  This includes attending an IAFCI Board of Directors meeting. The Vice-Chair assists with the Vision Committee in programs, meetings and the Annual Conference sessions.
  • Election/Volunteer for the Chairperson, Co-Chair and Vice-Chair.

Monthly Industry Working Group Training, Meetings Rules and Regulations:

  • There is no fee for this group affiliation – membership in the IAFCI is not mandated but encouraged.  (Website is available for Industry Working Group; however not accessible to non-members of the IAFCI)
  • IAFCI promotes group involvement and the Committee Board and members will provide information of people interested in joining the Industry Working Group.
  • Monthly training conference calls/communications (Webinar – Go to Meetings)
  • Keynote speaker or presentation at each meeting is recommended.

Please note: Industry Working Groups may not discuss suspects or specific account information, Social Security Numbers, home addresses, proprietary information, or other non-public personal information, but can reveal names of defendant(s) who are part of the public record as disclosed by federal law.  Industry Working Groups may also discuss trends, current events in the specific industry working group and linking fellow investigators together who share common goals and cases.

Industry Working Group Mailing List and Web Forum

Use of the IAFCI Industry Working Group Mailing List and Web Forum are governed by the IAFCI Terms of Use.  Violation of the Terms of Use will be grounds for expulsion from the Industry Working Group and/or suspension of access to the mailing list or web forum.

  • Please note: The Industry Work Group Mailing Lists and Web Forums may not be used to discuss suspects or specific account information, Social Security Numbers, home addresses, proprietary information, photographs, or other non-public personal information, but users can share public information and names of defendant(s) who are part of the public record as disclosed by federal law. The Industry Working Group Mailing Lists and Web Forums may also be used to discuss trends, current events in the specific industry working group and linking fellow investigators together who share common goals and cases.
  • Information shared via the Mailing Lists or Web Forum should be considered confidential, should only be shared within the recipient’s internal organization for fraud mitigation strategies, and must not be disseminated outside of the Mailing List or Web Forum without the consent of the contributing organization.  Industry Working Group members should not use any information shared via the Mailing List or Web Forum as a single source to take any action that may impact legitimate customer accounts/interests without further evaluating or seeking supplemental information consistent with their organization’s internal policies regarding fraud mitigation.
  • If you have sensitive information you would like to share with the Industry Working Group requiring another means of transfer, please contact IAFCI for alternative means of providing that information.

    Your Next Steps:
  • Hold a conference call meeting on a regularly scheduled basis. A meeting notice that includes a call in-number and agenda should be sent in advance to the group members.
  • We support posting industry working group fraud training information to the IAFCI member website.
  • Most importantly, promote the industry working group and provide a contact name and number. The International Office will also circulate information on your behalf as requested.

Any questions regarding the above information or for further questions, contact the Industry Working Groups Co-Chairs, Steve Lenderman at  or the International Office at

           Please keep in mind that we are each other’s best resource!